Chapter II: I’m Back

It’s been four years since I last posted an article on this blog. I remember the weather was hot just like today [at the time of writing, which was around a couple of weeks ago. As it is now, it's been raining like it's never rained before]. I was at the lowest point in my life and I had stopped writing because life was becoming unbearable. And then of course the pandemic happened. I simply allowed my domain name to expire.

I Simply Want to Write

I didn't plan to come back again. I didn't think I would. I don’t have a good reason except a desire to write. I don’t really have a passion to write, but there were times when I thought of something, and I thought it would be great to have it in writing. Or when I bought something and was excited about a good product or just something new that I discovered, I'd always picture it in my mind on how I would write the article or how I would photograph the product. I have also started to write poems again.

The Pandemic

Ironically, the pandemic did not make my life harder. If it wasn’t for the many deaths around the world, I wish we would always have a lockdown. Our family did have to make a few adjustments. The first few months were difficult. Tesco [now Lotus's] delivery was overbooked and could not tell when they could finally make our deliveries. After a few months, things became somewhat better. If it wasn't because of the pandemic, we wouldn't have known the convenience of Grab Food [similar to foodpanda, Uber Eats etc.]. We wouldn't be able to try different foods from different restaurants and stalls. We were one of those families who would stick to a few tried-and-tested places and not venture out to the unknown. And of course, who would have thought that governments and businesses could make our lives easier while using their services? A lot of services which were otherwise made compulsory for us to attend in person, were made available online. I don't believe that [bad] things had to happen in order for good things to happen. These conveniences could or should have been made available to us just for the sake of providing good services and not at the expense of millions of lives. And even though I said we "wouldn't be able to", I was using the phrase loosely as I was already using the Grab app for ride-sharing and on the way to discover Grab Food eventually, which might take a longer time if it hadn't been for the pandemic, but that's OK, some things need time. 

The Goal

My goal for my blog this time [if you could believe I had one last time] is different and I don’t know how long this blog will survive. No one seems to have the time to read anymore, especially, I think, an unknown person's personal blog. I myself don't have much time to read nowadays except for the news, which I think don't count. I try to make some time to read books even if only a few lines a day. I don’t really have what people might call a contribution to society. I don’t have wisdoms that I can impart, encouraging words to help people get motivated. I write what I write. Take it as is, and please allow some room for error.
